Love is something that makes you strong,
makes you stand up even when you are exhausted,
love makes night seems bright as a day
love is like Sun rising over morning clouds
love is when the waves of the ocean stroke the cove
love is something that is given to you by God
and you pass it on...
love makes you feel like both wandering a country
as fast and free as the wind
careless and finding new ways how to get around obstacles.
your hearts desires are made into one
your mind sees only one
you see her eyes when you lie down into bed
you hear her voice in when a breeze moves the leaves
you feel her touch as you move through the air
you smell her when you walk in a field of flowers
you sense her lips when you drink water.
love is something that makes you stop to breath
it makes you shiver in summer
makes you sweat in winter
love grants you the opportunity to say : "I love you".
It makes you cry from happieness
makes you feel the presence of God,
it makes you delight in drawing breaths
rejoice in looking into eachother's eyes.
wubkam ta :*
Dátum vloženia 18. 12. 2005 01:25DoNotBeSad 
what do you make me feel...
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Komentáre k básničke
- DoNotBeSad (napísal autor básne)
uhmmm ... viem ze to nieje moc basen... ae nepoznam ine miesto kde by som to mal napisat.
dufam ze sa Vam to paciloaj ked to nebola basen...
prajem krasny den...
wubkam ta
18. 12. 2005 01:32 - nereg. DoNotBeSad
kukam ze som si to mal ece precitat kym som to napisal mam tam chyby
23. 12. 2005 10:47 - nereg. DoNotBeSad
kukam ze som si to mal ece precitat kym som to napisal mam tam chyby
23. 12. 2005 10:47 - VanSeviurum
to sa stava aj najlepsim spisovatelom///ked citas knihu tiez tam najdes chybu...
29. 12. 2005 19:01 - nereg. MAJA
25. 1. 2006 10:16