I see you through my eyes
you're my angel, my little sun...
although surrounded by lies
I don't regret what we've done
We lost few days in dark, somehow
but after all we decided to stay
and I feel much better with you now
thank you for being my sunny day
I know exactly, how you feel
we went through something bad
and there are still feelings to heel
'cause I don't wanna be so sad...
You showed me the right way
now I really know what to do
I found my soul, I started to pray
Dátum vloženia 8. 7. 2009 15:16L3nuska 
I believe in YOU
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Komentáre k básničke
- Biela_ruža
nice words to tell someone who you love...
8. 7. 2009 20:04 - nickmyname49
Neprečítal som si to síce s tým, že budem kontrolovať gramatiku, ale čo mi dobilo oči bola chyba "heel"... má tam byť "heal".
Inak pekné a ako vraví komentátorka nado mnou, pekné slová pre niekoho, koho ľúbiš
9. 7. 2009 13:17 - zuzulatko
24. 12. 2009 20:41